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Beyond Garland Initiative is an International Registered Non Governmental Organisation CAC/IT/NO 143635 that is focused on creating Green and sustainable earth through: planting of trees, creating  

awareness to help provide solutions to detrimental human activities causing climate change as well as mobilize and foster engagement for community service, empowerment for youths and children.

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The Real Threat to Life on Earth


If population levels continue to rise at the current rate, our grandchildren will see the Earth plunged into an unprecedented environmental crisis. We must act now to protect the Earth.

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Young Volunteers


At Beyond Garland Initiative, we encourage volunteers from all backgrounds and ages to participate in our various programs to create a better environment.

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Why Going Green is Important?


Increase Productivity: Going green saves us from toxic products and environmental pollution. This helps us to live a healthier lifestyle which eventually increase our productivity in all spheres of life.

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